Election Disinformation on Social Media.

Thursday_673x324 12pmTHURSDAY, MAY 19
PROGRAM # 9628 12:00 PM PT

Election Disinformation on Social Media.

A number of civil rights groups are calling on the major social media companies to combat and curb election disinformation on the platforms ahead of this year’s midterm elections. If social media platforms don’t take decisive action, they warn, “election disinformation will continue to undermine our democracy by confusing, intimidating, and harassing voters, suppressing the right to vote, and otherwise disrupting democracy.” A digital justice advocate explains. Also, as voters begin to cast ballots for this month’s primary in Georgia, reporters file stories on the upcoming primaries in this southern state, as well as in California and New Mexico.

Guests: Nora Benavidez, Free Press Senior Counsel and Director of Digital Justice and Civil Rights; Gerardo Guzmán, News Contributor, Atlanta, GA; Others TBA.

Photo: Clay Banks via Unspalsh

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