US and Cuba: A New Day?

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, MARCH 10.
PROGRAM # 7736 12:00 PM PT

US and Cuba: A New Day?

A Cuban diplomat talks about the normalization of diplomatic ties between Cuba and the US after more than five decades of conflict. He also talks about the opening of embassies, the upcoming visit to Cuba by President Obama, and the ongoing US embargo against Cuba. The Cuban official stops in San Francisco as part of a tour through cities in the US West Coast. The program opens with excerpts of the previous night debate of Democratic presidential candidates stating their positions towards the new relations with Cuba.

Guest: Miguel Fraga, First Secretary, Embassy of Cuba in the US, Washington, DC; Alicia Jrapko, US Coordinator, Comité Internacional Paz, Justicia y Dignidad de los Pueblos, San Francisco, CA.


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