Fourth Democratic Debate.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16
PROGRAM # 8717 12:00 PM PT

Fourth Democratic Debate.

Twelve Democratic presidential hopefuls faced off the night before in their fourth debate, the biggest presidential primary debate in history. Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Elizabeth Warren were again at center stage, with the emerging Warren being the favorite target. The debate started with an almost unanimous agreement on the call to move forward with Trump’s impeachment, and included questions on taxes on billionaires and the conflict in Syria, though the most intense skirmishes dealt with the ideas to reform the health care system and the progressive Medicare for All plan. This program features highlights of the debate and commentary from a political analyst.

Guests: Javier Gamboa, Communications Director, Latino Victory, Washington, DC; Audio Segments from Candidates Engaging in the Presidential Debate in Ohio.


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