Republican National Convention: The Opening.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, JULY 19
PROGRAM # 7838 12:00 PM PST.

Republican National Convention: The Opening.

Republican delegates, elected officials, and dignitaries from all over the nation meet in Cleveland for a four-day convention to nominate their presidential candidate. The presumptive nominee Donald Trump arrives to the convention with Indiana Gov. Mike Pence as his running mate. For some, the event will be the scenario of “a battle for the heart and soul of the Republican Party,” amid calls by others for party unity. This is a report on the opening day of the convention.

Guests: Héctor Barreto, President, The Latino Coalition, Former Cabinet Member of the George W. Bush White House, Cleveland, OH; Sharon Castillo, Republican Analyst, Former Spokesperson for Republican National Committee; Juan Hernández, Republican Strategist, Cleveland, OH; Antonio González, President, South West Voter Registration Project, Los Angeles, CA; José López Zamorano, Correspondent, Cleveland, OH.


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