Republican National Convention: The Vice Presidential Candidate.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, JULY 21
PROGRAM # 7840 12:00 PM PT

Republican National Convention: The Vice Presidential Candidate.

This program features excerpts of the vice presidential candidate Mike Pence’s speech accepting the Republican nomination and analysts comment on the governor’s political background. It also includes reports about Ted Cruz’s refusal to endorse Trump, his call for a “vote of conscience” and the furious booing that ensued. And the decision by a federal court to strike down Texas voter ID law.

Guests: José López Zamorano, Correspondent, Cleveland, OH; Dr. Juan Hernandez, president, Marco, Inc, Republican Analyst, Cleveland, OH; Lydia Camarillo, Vice President, South West Voter Registration and Education Project, San Antonio, TX; Antonio Gonzalez, President, South West Voter Registration and Education Project, Los Angeles, CA; Laura Maristany, Director, Washington Office – Educational Fund, National Association of Latino Elected Officials, Washington, DC.


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