Republican National Convention: Day 4.

Thursday_673x324 12(1)THURSDAY, AUGUST 27
PROGRAM # 8989 12:00 PM PT

Republican National Convention: Day 4.

In the closing night of the convention, President Trump is scheduled to give a live, primetime acceptance speech from the White House. This program features excerpts of Mike Pence’s vice presidential acceptance speech, including remarks about the rebuilding of the US Army, the economy, the response to the Covid pandemic, and the building of the border wall. News editors discuss highlights of Mike Pence’s acceptance speech and analyze Trump’s policies on the health crisis and the unemployment rates, the controversial naturalization ceremony in the White House, the absence of leading Republicans in the convention, the potential impact of the flight of influential Republican figures, and the firing of the first salvo by Democrats, who chastised Trump-Pence response to the pandemic and to the recent anti-racism unrest.

Guests: José López Zamorano, Contributor, Washington, DC; Elvia Díaz, Contributor, Editor, The Arizona Republic, Phoenix, AZ; (Recorded and Translated Segments) Mike Pence, Vice Presidential Republican Candidate, Washington, DC.

Photo: Michael Vadon/Flickr

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