Republican National Convention: Day 3.

Wednesday_673x324(2)WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26
PROGRAM # 8987 11:00 AM PT

Republican National Convention: Day 3.

Today, Vice President Mike Pence accepts his renomination for vice president. This program features excerpts of speeches from the previous night, including Lt. Gov. Jeanette Núñez and First Lady Melania Trump. A leading Republican analyst shares her views on the use of the likely illicit use of the White House for political and electoral purposes, the naturalization and pardoning ceremonies held by President Trump inside the White House as part of the Republican Convention video show, the ubiquitous presence of the Trump commercial and family brand in the Republican Party convention, and the flight of scores of Republican figures to the Democratic side, as well as the response to the coronavirus emergency and the economic crisis. A former Texas leading legislator comments on the RNC and shares findings of a recent survey that shows that Biden leads by 10% among Texas Latino voters, but no presidential candidate has locked down the vote.

Guests: Rosario Marin, Former US Treasurer Under President George W. Bush, San Diego, CA; Leticia Van de Putte, Former Texas State Senator, Board Member, Texas Hispanic Policy Foundation, San Antonio, TX; (Recorded and Translated Segments) Melania Trump, First Lady, The White House, Washington, DC; Jeanette Núñez, Lt. Gov. of Florida.

Photo: Michael Vadon/Flickr

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