Republican National Convention: Day 1.

Monday_673x324(1)MONDAY, AUGUST 24
PROGRAM # 8984 12:00 PM PT

Republican National Convention: Day 1.

Republicans gather today in Charlotte, NC, in the first of four nights of virtual sessions, to officially renominate Donald Trump as their presidential candidate. Under the slogan “Honoring the Great American Story,” the convention begins with an in-person meeting, where delegates decided against a convention platform and instead to support Trump’s agenda. A national pollster comments on the state of the presidential race and on the views of Latinos about the candidates, the vote by mail, and the response to the Covid pandemic. Republican leaders of opposing views comment on Trump’s overwhelming role in choosing platform and speakers from Trump’s family, the use of the White House for the party’s convention, the endorsement of Democrat Biden by top Republican figures, and the debate on Trump’s efforts to curtail the vote by mail to protect voters against the spread of Covid-19.

Guests: Albert Morales, Senior Political Director, Latino Decisions, San Antonio, TX; Luis Alvarado, Republican Strategist, Los Angeles, CA; Jose Fuentes, Former Attorney General of Puerto Rico, Republican Strategist, Washington, DC.


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