Democratic National Convention: Day 3.

Wednesday_673x324(1)WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 19
PROGRAM # 8980 12:00 PM PT

Democratic National Convention: Day 3.

Today, Sen. Kamala Harris accepts the nomination for vice president. In this session, Democrats bring together speakers from the left and mainstream of the party, as well as conservative Republicans. They also bring leaders from the party’s old guard along with emerging stars from the new generation. A renowned civil rights leader gives her views on Kamala Harris’ backgroud, including her work as a DA, and the list of Latina women speakers, and the prospects for a unified party. A voting righs advocate expresses concern about the absence of Julian Castro in the Convention’s speaker list and talks about milestones in the campaign to register half a million of new Latino voters. And a political scientist discusses the challenges that first-time, inexperienced voters will have when faced with sorting out the number of choices that California is offering voters in response to the Covid pandemic.

Guests: Dolores Huerta, Civil Rights Leader, Bakersfield, CA; María Teresa Kumar, President and CEO, Voto Latino, Washington, DC; Francisco Pedraza, Political Scientist, University of California Riverside, Riverside, CA; (Recorded Segments) Bill Clinton, Former US President; Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, D-New York.

Former President Barack Obama, former Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, and Gov. Michelle Lujan-Grisham speak on prime time. Leading Democrats comment on the VP nominee, the coronavirus relief bill and the party’s plans to steer the country at a time of severe national crisis.

Photo: Joe Biden/Flickr

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