Census Count: Last Days?

Tuesday_673x324 11TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29
PROGRAM #9020 11:00 AM PT

Census Count: Last Days?

Latino groups applaud Judge Lucy Koh’s decision ordering the Census to continue counting until the end of October and to suspend the Dec 31 deadline for delivering congressional apportionment data. Still, they renew their call encouraging people to fill out the forms before the last day of September, while pushing for field operations to continue until Oct 31. These and other news about the census are discussed in this extra edition.

Guests: Cindy Quezada, Senior Program Manager, Region 6 Census Outreach, Sierra Health Foundation, Sacramento, CA; Angelica Vasquez, Spokesperson, U.S. Census Bureau, Los Angeles, CA; Dolores Huerta, President, Dolores Huerta Foundation, Co-founder, United Farm Workers, Bakersfield, CA.

Photo: cmlibrary.org 

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