Congressmembers Face Constituents. Also, Judge Blocks Texas’s Anti-Immigrant Law.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, AUGUST 31
PROGRAM # 8144 12:00 PM PT

Congressmembers Face Constituents.

Fewer members of Congress are holding traditional town hall meetings during their summer month-long recess, and those who are engaging with their constituents are facing worried questions about the possible end of DACA or angry comments about their vote to end Medicaid as we know it. A congressmember joined the program and talks about his participation in a bipartisan group to craft bills that improve ACA, his opposition to spending on the wall, and his plans to introduce the Bridge Act to protect Dreamers in the upcoming budget package. Listeners voice their opinions.

Guest: Congressman Jim Costa, Democrat, Fresno, CA

Judge Blocks Texas’s Anti-Immigrant Law. A federal court blocked Texas’ SB 4 law, hours before it was scheduled to go into effect. The law would have forced local police agencies to do immigration enforcement duties. The state gave the first steps to appeal the decision. The attorney in charge of the legal challenge comments on the ruling.

Guest: Luis Roberto Vera, Jr, Attorney of El Cenizo and Legal Counsel for LULAC, San Antonio, TX


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