Trump’s Election Fraud Commission.

Donald Trump firmando una orden ejecutiva.

Donald Trump firmando una orden ejecutiva.

PROGRAM # 8069 12:00 PM PT

Trump’s Election Fraud Commission.

President Trump signed an executive order to create a presidential commission on “election integrity.” The commission, led by Mike Pence and Kris Kobach, is charged with finding voter fraud. This presidential order follows months of Trump’s unproven claims that millions voted illegally in 2016 and the firing of FBI’s James Comey, who was investigating Russian interference in US elections. Is this an effort to “strengthen the integrity of the vote” or an “attempt to suppress votes and target the most vulnerable citizens”?

Guests: Arturo Vargas, Executive Director, NALEO, Los Angeles, CA; Maria Teresa Kumar, Executive Director, Voto Latino, Washington, D.C.; Rafael J. Medina, Ethnic Media Associate, Center for American Progress, Washington, D.C


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