9/11-Style Commission. Also, Family of Mentally-Ill Patient Seeks Justice.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24
PROGRAM # 9177 12:00 PM PST

9/11-Style Commission.

After Trump was acquitted by the Senate, the House is considering legislation to form a “9/11 commission” to investigate Jan 6 violent attack on the nation’s Capitol. At the same time, Democratic senators are calling for the Department of Defense to investigate white supremacy and extremist ideology in the ranks of the military after revelations that several of the insurrectionists who attacked the Capitol have been identified as active duty servicemembers. Also, President Biden is scheduled to deliver his first State of the Union address the night before.

Guests: US Sen. Martin Heinrich, D-NM, Washington, DC (TBC); Others TBA.

Family of Mentally-Ill Patient Seeks Justice. The family of a Pennsylvania man killed by the police after the family called for help during a mental health episode is filing a wrongful death suit against Lancaster police and authorities.

Guest: Miguelina Peña, Mother of Victim Ricardo Muñoz, Lancaster, PA. (TBC)

Photo: pressnewsagency.org

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