Ginsburg Legacy, Early Voting Begins.

Thursday_673x324 12(2)THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24
PROGRAM #9017 12:00 PM PT

Ginsburg Legacy, Early Voting Begins.

The death of justice Ruth Ginsburg is having a dramatic impact on November’s election. The Supreme Court vacancy sparks an intense political battle. A political scientist and activist comments on Ginsburg’s legal legacy, the stakes in the battle for the Supreme Court, and its impact on th energy level of the electorate. On another story, voters are already heading to the polls in Virginia, Minnesota and other states to cast an early ballot. Long lines were reported at early voting centers on the first day of polling. Voters are being urged to vote by mail or in person before Election Day because of Covid-19 health concerns and surveys show that most voters are planning to vote before the election, an unprecedented development. This program also includes a report on the Breonna Taylor verdict that reignited protests nationwide.

Guest: Jose Angel Gutierrez, Attorney, Emeritus Professor, University of Texas Arlington, Veteran Voting and Civil Rights Leader, Redlands, CA.

Photo: Todd Clemons & Associates/Facebook

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