Combating Disinformation. Also, Voting Rights Watch.

Monday_673x324 12pmMONDAY, OCTOBER 10
PROGRAM # 9774 12:00 PM PT

Combating Disinformation.

Misinformation on social networks targeting Latino voters is increasing and many Latinos depend on Internet platforms for information. Pointing out that social media companies are not cracking down on incidents of disinformation, advocates are launching a “defend the Truth” campaign to train community leaders and deactivate “malicious” information affecting Latino voters.

Guest: Julio Rivera, Deputy Director of Civic Engagement, NALEO Educational Fund, New York, NY

Voting Rights Watch. A voting rights watchdog is releasing a report on restrictive voting and election laws in states around the nation that may impact the midterm elections. What are the most common restrictions to voters? What are the effects of these laws?

Guest: Ricardo Ramírez, Advisor, Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law, Orange County, CA

Photo: Clay Banks via Unsplash

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