Combating Hate Crimes. Also, Legal Funds to Fight Deportations.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, JANUARY 3
PROGRAM # 7967 12:00 PM PST.

Combating Hate Crimes.

In the wake of the presidential election, there has been a dramatic rise in the number of hate crimes and harassment around the nation targeting Muslims, immigrants, and other groups. In response, a leading group of Latino lawyers is reaching out to affected communities with a Hate Crimes Resources Toolkit, to help them report those incidents and resist bigotry. The national leader of the Latino lawyers comments on this matter.

Guest: Pedro Torres Diaz, National President, Hispanic National Bar Association, Miami, FL.

Legal Funds to Fight Deportations. A regular commentator discusses initiatives advanced by major cities to allocate multi-million funds to give legal help for immigrant families who face deportation proceedings and separation. She also comments on a public call to President Obama to pardon tens of thousands of legal residents (“green-cards”) who are at risk of deportation due to minor crimes.

Guest: Attorney Rosalba Piña, Expert on Immigration Law, Chicago, IL.


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