Climate and Jobs. Also, Scientists Call to Change Diet and Food Waste.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, AUGUST 29
PROGRAM # 8683 12:00 PM PT

Climate and Jobs.

Former union leader and labor champion Aida Cárdenas has been appointed to the Office of Equity, Climate and Jobs under the Secretary of Labor in California’s Newsom administration. For many years, Cárdenas directed employer-labor collaborations to build job-related skills for thousands of janitors and low-wage immigrant workers. In this conversation, the new labor official talks about her plans to promote new skills among California workers and about an innovative community program in which janitors who were better trained were able to turn office buildings into greener and more environmentally sustainable facilities.

Guest: Aída Cárdenas, Deputy Director, Office of Equity, Climate and Jobs, California Workforce Development Board, Sacramento, CA.

Scientists Call to Change Diet and Food Waste. A group of climate change experts of the United Nations found that in order to restore the planet’s health, the world needs to drastically reduce red meat and sugar consumption, increase eating vegetables, fruits and grains, cut down on food waste, and limit the use of water and lands, all of which would force agricultural and cattle industry to make changes. An environment expert discusses the details of the report.

Guest: Carolina Herrera, Project Advocate, Climate and Clean Energy, Latin America Project, Natural Resources Defense Council, Washington, DC.


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