“Freedom City.”

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27
PROGRAM # 8368 12:00 PM PT

“Freedom City.”

The Austin City Council passed “Freedom City” policies to address the city’s racial disparity in arrests and citations by police and to make immigrants aware of their rights when stopped by police. On other story, a Catholic priest organized a series of sessions between local police officers and Spanish-speaking parishioners after realizing that, because of deep distrust, immigrants report problems of crime and drugs to him, rather than the police. In contrast, other churches are calling to divest from policing, after recent shootings by police of unarmed persons of color.

Guests: Carolina Canizales, Texas Campaign Strategist, Immigrant Legal Resource Center, San Antonio, TX; Father Andrés Moreno, St. Anthony Catholic Church, Kansas City, MO.

Photo: grassrootsleadership.org

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