Zero Tolerance and Mass Prosecutions.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25
PROGRAM # 8457 12:00 PM PT

Zero Tolerance and Mass Prosecutions.

As Trump threatens a massive crackdown in the Southern border, federal courts across the Southwest are packed with migrants in daily mass hearings after the Trump administration announced a zero-tolerance prosecution policy. While most migrants have received no jail time, the policy is expected to result in more immigrants in federal prison, as illegal entry and re-entry are becoming the most prosecuted cases, more so than drug violations. Analysts also comment on the punishment that’s inflicted on children when they are separated from their parents due to incarceration, an issue that the system treats as “collateral damage.” This program is part of a special series of reports on the criminal justice system.

Guests: Debbie Nathan, Immigration Reporter, The Appeal, Brownsville, TX; Dr. Martin Guevara Urbina, Sociologist, Professor, Author on Criminal Justice, Department of Natural & Behavior Sciences, Sul Ross State University- Rio Grande College, Del Rio, TX; Fernando Garcia, Executive Director, Border Network for Human Rights-BNHR, El Paso, TX.


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