Census: Update.

Wednesday_673x324(5)WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22
PROGRAM # 8862 12:00 PM PT

Census: Update.

A spokesperson for the US Census reports that more than half of US households have responded to the census and paper questionnaires are arriving this month. She points out that emergency funds for the response to Covid-19 were allocated using data from the census. Also, a Latino advocate comments about the Trump administration’s request to Congress for a four-month delay on census deadlines, including extending enumeration work until the fall and completing data for congressional redistricting, due to coronavirus. He encourages Congress to be watchful and the public to participate in the process to redesign the political map to ensure fair representation of communities of interest. Finally, Mayan advocates comment on virtual events convened to remind families in hard-to-count areas to fill out the questionnaire and are managing to provide in-person help to those in need of filling out the paper questionnaires, which local communities prefer.

Guests: María Olmedo-Malagón, Program Manager, 2020 Census Communications Campaign, US Census Bureau, Washington, D.C.; Adan Chavez, Deputy Director of National Census Program, NALEO Education Fund, Los Angeles, CA; (Recorded Interviews) Guatemalan Mayan Mam Interpreter Diego Aguilar, and Mam Organizer Henry Sales, Oakland, CA; Yucatec Mayan Interpreter Karent Novelo, and Yucatec Mayan Worker Carlos Kauil, San Francisco, CA.

Photo: kqed.org

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