Texas Abortion “Bounty Hunters.” Texas Restrictive Election Bill Challenged. California Recall Election.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8
PROGRAM # 9373 12:00 PM PDT

Texas Abortion “Bounty Hunters.”

Texas banned abortions after six weeks of pregnancy and the U.S. Supreme Court voted to let it stand. The citizen-enforced law bans almost all abortions without exception for pregnancies resulting after incest or rape, making it the most restrictive in the nation. Judge Sotomayor wrote a scathing dissent, the White House said it will launch a “whole of government” effort to respond, and AG Garland seeks to better enforce the FACE Act. In other news, Mexico’s Supreme Court voted to decriminalize abortion, in a sign of the rising power of the women’s movement. An advocate comments both news developments.

Guest: Gretel Eunice Castorena Escalera, Professor of Public Health, Moms Rising, Member of World Association of Women in Politics, Guadalajara, MX.

Texas Restrictive Election Bill Challenged.

Civil rights advocates filed a lawsuit in San Antonio against SB 1, a Texas State Senate bill passed last week. They say it violates the US Constitution, makes voting difficult for all voters, especially Latino and Asian Americans and voters with limited English proficiency. SB 1 includes restrictions that limit the assistance individuals can provide to voters who need help, makes it difficult for poll workers to maintain security and safety at the polling place and restricts the authority of poll workers to remove partisan poll watchers who are harassing voters.

Guest: Ricardo Ramírez, Advisor, The Brennan Center for Justice’s Voting Rights and Elections Program, Washington, DC

California Recall Election.

With less than a week to go to Election Day, more than a quarter of all California voters have mailed in or dropped off ballots to decide whether Democratic Gov. Newsom stays or is removed from his office. A prominent civic leader explains the ballot and how the recall works, examines the potential impact of Latino voters, discusses unfounded rumors being spread on social media about the special election, and explains security measures to protect mail ballots and election integrity.

Guest: Arturo Vargas, Executive Director, National Association of Latino Elected Officials NALEO, Los Angeles, CA.

Photo: progresstexas.org

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