Latina Candidates and Young Voters.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1
PROGRAM # 8462 12:00 PM PT

Latina Candidates and Young Voters.

Latinas are running for office in record numbers and they are poised to make history in Congress and statewide offices. A political advocate comments on this unprecedented surge of women candidates from communities of color and the impact they are having on new and reluctant voters. Also, asserting that young people of color deeply value showing up to vote and civically engage, community organizers in California are launching a campaign to energize the vote of the millennial generation.

Guests: Vanessa Cárdenas, Emily’s List, Washington, DC; Julissa Arce, Author, Los Angeles, CA; Inés García, Youth Organizer, Power California/99Rootz, Merced, CA; Crisantema Gallardo, Senior Organizer, 99Rootz, Merced, CA; audio of voting listeners: Maria Cumplido, José Tamayo, Gabriel Verduzco; vox pop of College Voters


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