Presidential Campaigns and Mass Incarceration.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, MAY 30
PROGRAM # 8618 12:00 PM PT

Presidential Campaigns and Mass Incarceration.

Warning that mass incarceration is the civil rights issue of our time, social reformers are calling on US presidential candidates to propose specific solutions to over-incarceration. They say there is a new public climate on the politics of crime and punishment and the federal prison system can play a leading role in helping change the nation’s culture to end mass incarceration. Analysts examine how current presidential candidates are addressing this issue on the campaign trail. They also propose changes that a president can do in the first days in office.

Guests: Jorge Luis Vasquez, Associate Counsel, LatinoJustice PRLDEF, New York, NY; Anthony Posada, Supervising Attorney, The Legal Aid Society, New York, NY; Sofia Espinoza Álvarez, Criminologist, Lawyer, Social Activist, Researcher, San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico; (Taped Report) Jose Lopez Zamorano, Contributor, Washington, DC.


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