Third Party Campaigns.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, AUGUST 29
PROGRAM # 7867 12:00 PM PST.

Third Party Campaigns.

This program features conversations with representatives of third party presidential candidates and a new political organization. Bernie Sanders has launched a new national group called Our Revolution to continue the citizen movement for social change and support a number of progressive candidates and ballot initiatives. The Green Party’s Jill Stein is running a no-compromise presidential campaign against the two-party system with a liberal agenda that includes a call for Medicare for all and free college. And a surrogate of Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson said he is a hard conservative on economic and fiscal issues like small government and leaves social issues up to the states.

Guests: Erika Andiola, Political Director, Our Revolution, Washington, DC; Adrian Boutureira, Field director, Jill Stein Presidential Campaign, Green Party, Austin, TX; Juan Hernandez, Political Advisor and Hispanic Outreach Director, Gary Johnson Presidential Campaign, Libertarian Party, Dallas, TX.


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