Bolivia: Anti-Indigenous Killings.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25
PROGRAM # 8745 12:00 PM PT

Bolivia: Anti-Indigenous Killings.

Bolivian family members urge an appeals court in Miami to reinstate a judgment against a former Bolivian president and defense minister implicated in the massacre of unarmed indigenous civilians in 2003. A US jury found those officials now living in the US responsible for the extrajudicial killings of more than 70 and injuries against more than 500. The attorney for the plaintiffs gives details about the case. Also, a political analyst comments on the current mass protests in Bolivia in support of ousted president Evo Morales, the escalation of deaths after a decree granting the military broad powers in the use of force and the role of US in supporting the virtual coup d’etat in Bolivia. Finally, a leading US veteran urges the US Congress to investigate the White House’s efforts to recognize a government imposed by a military coup, and urges three Cuban-American Senators to clarify their connections to the Bolivian opposition push to oust President Morales.

Guests: Beth Stephens, Attorney, Center for Constitutional Rights, Newark, NJ; Laura Carlsen, Director, Americas Program, Center for International Policy, Mexico City; Jovanni Reyes, New Member Coordinator, About Face: Veterans Against the War, San Antonio, TX.


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