Beto vs. Cruz. Also, LULAC’s New Leader.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8
PROGRAM # 8398 12:00 PM PT

Beto vs. Cruz.

The Texas Senate race between Republican incumbent Ted Cruz and Democrat challenger Betto O’Rourke is in a virtual tie. This development has raised many eyebrows, since for the past three decades Texas has been a reliably Republican state. Cruz is seeking reelection for his second term in the US Senate.

Guest: Sofia Sepulveda, Community Organizer, Texas Organizing Project, San Antonio, TX

LULAC’s New Leader. LULAC, the oldest Latino civil rights organization in the nation, has a new president. Dallas Attorney Domingo García comes in with an agenda that includes bringing in thousands of younger members, pro-immigration reform policies, advocate for aid for Hurricane-stricken Puerto Rico and ramp up Latino voter turnout. He will also have to deal with the political fallout of the outgoing president, who sparked an intense debate after he praised Trump’s immigration plan.

Guest: Domingo García, President Elect, League of United Latin American Citizens, Former Member of Texas House of Representatives, First Latino Mayor Pro Tem of Dallas, Dallas, TX.


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