Battle on the Census. Also, Curbing Police Violence.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19
PROGRAM # 8632 12:00 PM PT

Battle on the Census.

A House committee is holding two cabinet secretaries in contempt of Congress, as Trump invoked executive privilege in an effort to block revealing key documents on the decision to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census. Meantime, the Supreme Court is expected to decide at any minute on the inclusion of this controversial question. Last week, explosive reports revealed that the plan was designed to benefit non-Latino whites and give advantage to the Republican Party. In response, civil rights groups are now asking the Supreme Court to consider delaying any ruling on the citizenship question until the fall. A news correspondent elaborate on these stories and a community outreach worker talks about efforts to counter the chilling effect of the citizenship question.

Guest: José López Zamorano, Veteran Journalist, Contributor, Washington, DC; Esperanza Guevara, Census Coordinator, CHIRLA, Los Angeles, CA.

Curbing Police Violence. The California State Assembly passed a bill prohibiting cops to shoot to kill when they judge it “reasonable.” They instead have to evaluate now the “totality of the circumstances” before using lethal force. This compromise language clears the way for the virtually unopposed advancement of the bill. This program also includes sounds of a videotaped incident in Phoenix, where a cop is seeing shouting and threatening an African-American family, including a pregnant woman, with shooting them to kill.

Guest: Daisy Vieyra, Spokesperson, ACLU-California, Sacramento, CA.


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