Early and Absentee Voting Surge. Transphobic Propaganda in Spanish. Latinos to Break New Ground in the Midterms.

Monday_673x324 12pmMONDAY, OCTOBER 31
PROGRAM # 9804 12:00 PM PT

Early and Absentee Voting Surge.

Early voting is underway and voters are heading to the polls at record rates in this midterm election. Despite disinformation campaigns and voting restrictions in some states, observers predict high and possibly record-breaking turnout. Civic leaders discuss their efforts to get out the vote.

Guest: Lydia Guzmán, Director of Advocacy and Civic Engagement, Chicanos por la Causa, Phoenix, AZ.

Transphobic Propaganda in Spanish. Election watchdogs report that right-wing groups in Colorado are targeting Spanish-speaking residents through mailers and radio ads to discourage them from voting. The mailers, also sent to residents in New Mexico, Arizona and Texas, include messages spreading false rumors about transgender people.

Guests: Lucía Granados Vicuña, Servicios de la Raza, Denver, CO

Latinos to Break New Ground in the Midterms. Early voting is now in full swing, and one in ten Latino voters have already cast their ballots. In this competitive midterm election cycle, Latinos are poised to make yet new strides in increasing the number of Latino elected officials across federal and state offices in both traditional Latino population centers and in regions with emerging Latino communities. Civic leaders talk about the findings of a tracking poll.

Guest: Dorian Caal, Director of Civic Engagement Research, NALEO, Los Angeles, CA.

Photo: LACRR via facebook

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