Barrett’s Hearings. Also, Elections: The Battlegrounds.

Thursday_673x324 12THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15
PROGRAM #9044 12:00 PM PT

Barrett’s Hearings.

The Senate confirmation hearings on Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett are over. Barrett declined to answer several questions related to Donald Trump, including whether a president has the right to forgive himself, as well as health care reform, and whether racial profiling still exists or voice an opinion on climate change. An analyst comments on the big unanswered questions about the Supreme Court nominee. He also comments on the last hous remaining to complete the 2020 Census count.

Guest: Juan Cartagena, President and General Counsel, LatinoJustice – PRLDEF, New York, NY.

Elections: The Battlegrounds. Pennsylvania may become the epicenter in the intense fight over voting rules. Republicans are focusing on invalidating the so-called “naked ballots,” the mail ballots that are cast without being sealed inside an inner envelope, raising fears of vote suppression. This is the first year all of the state’s voters will be able to vote by mail. Meantime, in Texas, voters are breaking turnout records for early voting in Harris and other counties, as Republicans are asking the US Supreme Court to intervene to stop drive-thru voting in this populous county. Finally, a voter shares her experience casting her ballot accompanied by her child daughter after an hours-long wait in a historic day of record voting in Houston.

Guests: Thaís Carrero, State Director, CASA in Action, Philadelphia, PA; Lydia Camarillo, President, Southwest Voter Registration and William C. Velasquez Institute, San Antonio, TX; Mariana Pineda, Voter and Contributor, Houston, TX


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