Arizona Gubernatorial Hopeful Marco López. Also, Sinema in the Crosshairs.

Thursday_673x324 12pmTHURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3
PROGRAM # 9523 12:00 PM PT

Arizona Gubernatorial Hopeful Marco López.

Former border city mayor Marco López is running for governor of Arizona pledging support for immigration reform. A Phoenix businessman who served in the Obama administration, he discusses his agenda to support DACA beneficiaries and immigrant families. He also talks about his plans to build community resiliency against extreme weather events and the climate crisis, including black outs during winter cold fronts, and heat waves, drought, and wildfires in the summer. 

He is proposing to better manage forests, create more green spaces in the big cities, and restrict housing development to prevent urban sprawl and water scarcity. 

Guest: Marco López, Democratic Candidate for Governor of Arizona, Phoenix, AZ. 

Massive Winter Storm Watch. One year after a catastrophic freeze caused the worst blackouts in US history in Texas, a massive winter storm is threatening to bring new devastation. More than 100 million people are in the path of the storm from New Mexico, Colorado and Texas, to Illinois. The storm is dropping heavy snow and freezing rains, tens of thousands are without power, two big airports have closed, and local governments have closed some hospitals and schools and established neighborhood warming centers. News reporters talk about how to get the home and the car ready, and how to prepare emergency-response plans. Is Texas prepared to prevent a repeat of last year’s disaster? What to do in case of power blackouts? How to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning? What to do when driving through icy roads?

Guests: Abraham Nudelstejer, Reporter, Al Dia Newspaper, Dallas, TX; Perla Trevizo, Reporter, ProPublica/Texas Tribune Investigative Unit, El Paso, TX.

Photo: Marco Lopez via Facebook

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