“Antonio, We Know You.”

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9
PROGRAM # 9556 12:00 PM PT

“Antonio, We Know You.”

Born in a family of migrant farmworkers in Arizona, Antonio Salazar-Hobson was kidnapped by his neighbors, sexually abused and eventually trafficked at a well-known California ranch vacation resort. After he met Cesar Chavez as a teen, he got inspired, became a high school student leader, went to law school and against all odds graduated to become a labor lawyer representing the UFW and major international unions. In his just-published book of memoirs, Antonio tells his emotional journey, from surviving childhood sexual abuse, to rediscovering his Chicano roots, to family reunification and social activism. In this program, he reads excerpts of his book and discusses red flags that may help detect child trafficking.

Guest: Antonio Salazar-Hobson, Author of the Book “Antonio, We Know You: A Memoir,” San Francisco, CA.

Photo: Antonio Salazar-Hobson

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