Adiós Amor. Also, The San Patricios.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, MARCH 15
PROGRAM # 8286 12:00 PM PT

Adiós Amor.

A filmmaker tells the story of an unsung hero, a migrant woman who became the first farmworker woman in the US to work as a union organizer. Years before Cesar Chávez and Dolores Huerta founded the UFW, migrant mother María Moreno had been elected by farmworkers to represent them and fight for justice in the fields along the Southwest. The documentary “Adiós Amor” brings back the lost history and the hidden legacy of a woman who made an indelible mark in her fight for justice.

Guests: Laura Coyle, Director/Producer, “Adiós Amor – The Search for María Moreno,” San Francisco, CA; Albertina Zarazúa Padilla, Coordinator of Storytelling and Engagement, San Leandro, CA; Lillian DeLaTorre, hija de Maria Moreno, Yuba City, CA

The San Patricios. Hundreds of US immigrants, most Irish, defected and fought in the trenches of the Mexican Army during the Mexican-US War of 1846-48. They were known as the St. Patrick’s Brigade or Los Colorados. Many of the survivors were treated as traitors and hanged. For Mexicans, who remember them during the celebrations of St. Patrick’s Day, they are heroes. Also, traditional Celtic music creator and promoter Paddy Moloney, in collaboration wit Ry Cooder, produced the album “San Patricio,” singing and praising the story of the San Patricios and blending Mexican and Celtic rhythms with the voice of popular Mexican singers.

Guest: (Segments of Songs) “Batallón San Patricio,” Camperos de Valles; “March to the Battle,” The Chieftains, with Liam Neeson; “St. Patrick Batallion,” The Chieftains; “El Chivo,” Los Cenzontles.

Photo: Adios Amor – The Search for Maria Moreno/Facebook

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