Farewell to Arms.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31
PROGRAM # 7869 12:00 PM PT

Farewell to Arms.

After more than 50 years of conflict and four years of negotiations, Colombia’s largest rebel group and the government have reached a historic deal to end the longest running civil war in the continent, that cost hundreds of thousands of lives and almost six million displaced. The peace deal will become law if voters approve it later this year. What are the specifics of the deal? What’s the future of this agreement? What are the feelings of most Colombians?

Guests: Gabriel Villalobos, Host and Creative Director, Medios Hispanos – Contacto Total, KNUV, Phoenix, AZ: David Pion-Berlin, Professor of Political Science, University of California, Riverside; Attorney Almudena Bernabeu, Director of the Transitional Justice Program, Center for Justice & Accountability- San Francisco, San Francisco, CA

Photo: aipazcomun.org

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