Energizing the Immigrant Vote.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, APRIL 12.
PROGRAM # 7759 12:00 PM PT

Energizing the Immigrant Vote.

Vowing to fight against hateful politics and racist views and for including immigration reform on the agenda of the presidential campaigns, a broad coalition is launching a campaign to register and mobilize the pro-immigrant vote. The campaign, called “Families Fight Back,” is focusing on battleground states Colorado, Florida and Nevada. Campaign leaders comment on recent developments in the presidential campaigns and the projected role of immigrant voters. They also comment on the Supreme Court’s hearing next week on DAPA/DACA.

Guest: Larry Kleinman, Member of Executive Committee, Fair Immigration Reform Movement, Woodburn, OR, www.fairimmigration.org; Francisco Heredia, National Field Director, Mi Familia Vota, Phoenix, AZ, www.mifamiliavota.org

Photo: beyondchron.org

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