Community Action After the Election.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16
PROGRAM # 7932 11:00-1:00 PM PST.

Community Action After the Election.

In this live simulcast from the studios of KPCN, Radio Movimiento in Woodburn, Oregon, community advocates report on the way the election of Trump is being felt among farmworkers and immigrant families in this region, comment on recent high school walkouts, and discuss steps to plan for the future. Listeners from the area visit the studio.

Guests: Larry Kleinman, Member of Executive Committee, Fair Immigration Reform Movement, Woodburn, OR; Brenda Mendoza, Director, Centro de Servicios para Campesinos, Woodburn, OR; Aldo Solano, DACA Beneficiary, Leading Dreamer Who fasted for Nine Days in Front of the Fifth Circuit Court in New Orleans, Woodburn, OR.

Photo: Leslie Perez/Facebook

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