9/11: Two Decades Later.

Monday_673x324 12pmMONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13
PROGRAM # 9378 12:00 PM PDT

9/11: Two Decades Later.

The images of the devastation, chaos, and terror of the day of 9/11 are recreated through the sound of correspondents who filed dramatic reports on the tragedy that day. Legal advocates who helped immigrant victims have access to emergency aid share memories of the aftermath. Also, immigrant advocates reflect on how immigrant cleanup workers, who were on the frontlines of the city’s recovery and faced deadly health challenges, were largely left out of relief programs and 20 years later are still living in the shadows, with the doors closed to the “American Dream,” after immigration reform collapsed along with the Twin Towers an immigrants were declared a potential terrorist. This program includes a collage with reports from correspondents in New York, Washington and the Mexico-US border in the hours after the attacks.

Guests: New York State Assemblymember Catalina Cruz, D-NY; Joel Magallán, Executive Director, Asociación Tepeyac, New York, NY; (Segments from Audio Archives) Live Reports from Correspondents Marco Vinicio González (NY), Roland Massa (DC), Jesús Blancornelas (SD), Emilio Santos (TX).

Photo: brown.edu

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