Violence and Human Rights in Mexico: A Repeat.

Wednesday_673x324Community leaders and concerned citizens from Northern California dialogue with respected Mexican and Latino intellectuals on Mexico’s ravaging narco-violence, and the role of Mexican security forces in reports of widespread murders and forced disappearances. This is a repeat of the first hour of the community forum held in San Francisco the night before.

Guests: Homero Aridjis, Mexican poet and activist; Ismael Cortés, Comité por la Libertad del Dr. Mireles y otros presos políticos; Frank Lara, ANSWER Coalition Bay Area; Roberto Lovato, #USTired2; Ted Lewis, Global Exchange; Rubén Martínez, Professor at Loyola Marymount University, Binational Activist; Carla García, Comité de Estudiantes de UC Berkeley; Pablo Rivera, Comité por la Justicia Social en México; Gato, Graphic Artists Workshop San Francisco; Mexico’s General Consul in San Francisco, Andrés Roemer.

Photo: tierra radio/Flickr

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