Violence and Human Rights in Mexico: Live Forum.

Tuesday 3_673x324Radio Bilingüe is convening and broadcasting live a public forum on the scourge of violence, corruption and impunity in Mexico that has led to the worst human rights crisis in decades, according to watchdogs. Featured guests include renowned Mexican poet and author Homero Aridjis and a group of respected U.S. based Latino intellectuals and artists known as Los Macarturos – recipients of prestigious MacArthur Foundation Fellowships. Local public leaders join the conversation. The two-hour forum, in Spanish and English, airs live on Radio Bilingüe, and KBBF in the SF Bay area, and tape-delayed on media partners KPOO-FM and Spanish-language AM station KIQI.

Hour 1

Guests: Homero Aridjis, Mexican poet and activist; Ismael Cortés, Comité por la Libertad del Dr. Mireles y otros presos políticos; Frank Lara, ANSWER Coalition Bay Area; Roberto Lovato, #USTired2; Ted Lewis, Global Exchange; Rubén Martínez, Professor at Loyola Marymount University, Binational Activist; Carla García, Comité de Estudiantes de UC Berkeley; Pablo Rivera, Comité por la Justicia Social en México; Gato, Graphic Artists Workshop San Francisco; Mexico’s General Consul in San Francisco, Andrés Roemer.

Hour 2:

Guests: Homero Aridjis, Mexican poet and activist; Ismael Chamú, UC Berkeley Students Committee; Mexican Consul Andrés Roemer; Group of MacArthur Fellows: Rubén Martínez, Owner, Martinez Books and Arts Gallery, Santa Ana, CA; Natalia Almada, Filmmaker, San Francisco, CA; Baldemar Velázquez, Founding Director, Farm Labor Organizing Committee, Toledo, OH; Hugo Morales, Executive Director, Radio Bilingüe; Members of the audience: Francisco Herrera, Artist; Miguel Robles, Activist; Patricia Moreno, Comité por la Justicia Social en México, Santa Rosa; Jorge Bustamante, KPOO, San Francisco; and Five Additional Speakers.

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