Democratic Transition in Mexico?

Monday_673x324MONDAY, DECEMBER 7.
PROGRAM # 7668 12:00 PM PT

Democratic Transition in Mexico?

In 2,000, Vicente Fox, the first opposition elected president in modern history, proclaimed Mexico had begun a “democratic transition.” Fifteen years later and three years into the administration of a president of the PRI, the old party, the “democratic transition” has failed, Mexico returns to the old authoritarian ways, and political institutions are collapsing. This is the analysis of a well-known political scientist. A historian and long-time observer of Mexico’s developments also join this program.

Guests: John M. Ackerman, Professor, Author of the Book “The Myth of Democratic Transition in Mexico,” Researcher for Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas, UNAM, Los Angeles, CA; Dr. Miguel Tinker, Professor, Pomona College, Los Angeles, CA.


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