Tlatelolco: Fifty Years.


PROGRAM # 8437 12:00 PM PT

Tlatelolco: Fifty Years.

On October 2, 1968, ten days before the Olympics in Mexico City, security police and Army troops opened fire on a rally of unarmed students in Tlatelolco Plaza. The number of dead, estimated in the hundreds, has never been known. This massacre became a watershed in Mexico’s contemporary history. How did the brutal massacre impact the generation of the 60s and 70s and the political developments in the past five decades?

Guests: Juan Villoro, Mexican Writer and Journalist, Mexico City; Elena Poniatowska, Mexican Writer and Journalist, Mexico City; Historic Audio Segments: 1968 UNAM President Javier Barros Sierra, and firearm shots; Andrés Manuel López Obrador, President-Elect, México.


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