New Hampshire Primary Results. Also, Voter ID Cards for Mexicans Living Abroad.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10.
PROGRAM # 7715 12:00 PM PT

New Hampshire Primary Results.

On the day after the primary in New Hampshire, the second testing ground for the presidential candidates, analysts from both major political parties examine the results. Did any of the candidates make an effort to appeal to the very small but growing Latino electorate of New Hampshire?

Guests: Alfonso Aguilar, Former Chief of the Office of Citizenship, Spokesperson, Right to Rise USA, Washington, D.C.; Pili Tobar, Director of Communications, Latino Victory Project, Washington, D.C.

Voter ID Cards for Mexicans Living Abroad. Starting this week, Mexican consulates start issuing voter identification cards to Mexicans who live abroad in anticipation of the 2018 presidential election. Most of the eligible Mexican citizens live in the US. Also, officials from Zacatecas state call on Zacatecanos to register and vote in the first absentee vote ever in a state election.

Guests: Vigilio Rivera Delgadillo, Chair of the Council, Instituto Electoral del Estado de Zacatecas; Elisa Flemate Ramirez, Chair of the Council, Instituto Electoral del Estado de Zacatecas, Zacatecas, Zacatecas, Mexico; Francisco Moreno, Community Director, COFEM, Los Angeles, CA


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