Mexico Makes History.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, JULY 2
PROGRAM # 8371 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Makes History.

Mexicans made history after electing president this weekend center-left Andrés Manuel López Obrador, in the biggest election and for overwhelming margin. Seasoned journalists and election observers comment on the results in the presidential and congressional races, the election practices, voter turnout, the count of ballots received from abroad, and the meaning of the outcome for the governance and the direction of the country. The also comment on the reshaping of Congress, the new presidential cabinet and the speech by the winning candidate.

Guests: Eduardo Huchim May, Journalist, Writer, Former Member of Instituto Electoral del Distrito Federal, Mexico City; Miguel Angel Perez Rodriguez, presidente, Council of Mexican Federations in North America -COFEM; Arturo Cano, periodista, La Jornada, Cuidad de Mexico.


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