Drug Cartels: Critical Trial and New Novel.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22
PROGRAM # 8787 12:00 PM PT

Drug Cartels: Critical Trial and New Novel.

After pleading not guilty to drug-trafficking charges and as he is scheduled a new bail hearing, the former point man of Mexican President Calderon negotiates an agreement to serve as a cooperating witness. A top Mexican investigative journalist comments on this trial. He also comments on his novel “Tu Cabello es la Frontera,” a real-life story unfolding in Ciudad Juárez, a city ravaged by narco violence and corruption. The novel features young, attractive and prosperous Carolina, and Vicente, a journalist who makes shocking revelations while covering the “war on drugs,” and how they end up crossing paths.

Guest: Jesús Esquivel, News Correspondent, Proceso Magazine, Author of “Tu Cabello es la Frontera,” Washington, DC.

Photo: npr.org

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