Big Quake Hits Mexico. Also, Hurricane Maria Devastates Puerto Rico.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21
PROGRAM # 8161 12:00 PM PT

Big Quake Hits Mexico.

A second powerful earthquake hit Central Mexico, killing more than 250 and devastating Mexico City and other areas around the nation’s capital. The strong temblor leveled hundreds of buildings in the old town of Jojutla. This is a report on the local, national and international efforts to provide emergency aid to the victims of the disaster and the plans for recovery.

Guests: Manuel Bobadilla, Information Director, Radio Educacion, Mexico City; Alma Karla Sandoval, Poet and Reporter, Jojutla, Morelos; (cortes grabados de entrevistas del Instituto Morelense de Radio y TV) Eduardo González, damnificado, Dra. Rosalinda Pacheco, vecina, Gabriela Mena, damnificada, Mayté Aguirre, estudiante universitaria y socorrista voluntaria, Jojutla, Morelos.

Hurricane Maria Devastates Puerto Rico. Hurricane Maria, the worst storm to hit Puerto Rico in almost a century, left the island with massive floods, uprooted trees, and a general, 100 percent blackout. Restoring power for millions may take months. Puerto Ricans in Connecticut and New York mobilize to send relief to the victims of this latest disaster, the second hurricane this month.

Guest: Pedro Zayas, Director of Communications and Marketing, Hartford Public Schools, Hartford, CT

Photo: Ciudad de México/Facebook

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