Javier Sicilia in Second U.S. Peace Mission.


Javier Sicilia in Second U.S. Peace Mission. Activist and renowned poet Javier Sicilia says Mexico’s Peña Nieto administration has been unwilling to fight against massive corruption and the country continues in a state of violence and disaster. He is visiting the OAS to address a comprehensive package of issues, including money laundering, guns, and drugs, “the triangle of horror.” He calls on Latinos in the U.S. to play a larger role in helping to bring justice to the victims of narcoviolence. After Sicilia’s own 24-year old son was brutally murdered by drug traffickers, the poet launched a movement to end Mexico’s war on drugs. We speak also with an exiled businessman demanding answers on his son’s murder and thousands of other unpunished crimes in Mexico.

Guests: Javier Sicilia, Co-founder, Movement for Peace with Justice and Dignity, Los Angeles, CA http://movimientoporlapaz.mx/ ; Alfredo Holguin, board member, Mexicanos en Exilio, El Paso, TX, http://mexenex.com/

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