Historic Mexican Election.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, JUNE 29
PROGRAM # 8370 12:00 PM PT

Historic Mexican Election.

This weekend, Mexican voters go to the polls to elect president and thousands of federal, state and local offices. Opinion surveys reveal a dramatic shift in the political mood of the country, with center-left Morena party and its candidate López Obrador widely seen as favorites. What’s at stake for Mexico? In this program, analysts comment on news about the vote of Mexicans living abroad, the impact of the vote of Millenials, and grassroots and journalistic efforts to watch the elections for potential incidents of fraud, such as the publication of “fake news,” vote buying and voter intimidation. Analysts also comment on the deep transformations expected in Mexico and the foreseeable impact on reenergizing citizen participation among Mexicans and Latinos in the US.

Guests: Lic. Manuel Bobadilla Reyes, Deputy Information Director, Radio Educación, Mexico City; Roberto Duque, Scholar, Expert in Constitutional Law, Mexico City; Leopoldo Maldonado, Oficial of Protection and Defense Program, Articulo 19, Mexico City; Armando Navarro, a Political Scientist and Professor Emeritus, Department of Ethnic Studies, University of California, Riverside, Riverside, CA.

Photo: deskgram.org

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