Bracero Savings Fund.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12
PROGRAM # 8497 12:00 PM PT

Bracero Savings Fund.

In a confusing and recent decision, the Mexican Supreme Court did not order the Mexican government to pay former Braceros the savings fund withheld from their salaries when they worked in the US in the 1940s and 1950s. Instead, the court decided to give the plaintiffs a small and symbolic payment of “social support.” The lawyer and leaders of the veteran contracted workers clarify the confusion on the court’s decision and warn against scams. They also announce they will be appealing the case before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.

Guests: Porfirio Martínez, Lawyer, Bracero Plaintiffs, Legal Counsel, Coordinadora Nacional de Defensa de los Ex Braceros, Mexico City; Vicente Policarpo Rodríguez, Former Bracero from Oaxaca, Mexico City; Lidia Cano, Widow of Former Bracero and Leading Advocate, Empalme, Mexico.


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