PROGRAM # 8790 12:00 PM PT
“El Linchamiento Gráfico de Francisco I. Madero.”
Mexican political cartoonist and writer Rafael Barajas Durán, better known as “El Fisgón”, released a new book looking into the number of hard-hitting cartoons against President Madero, the early-century Mexican revolutionary who defeated dictator Porfirio Díaz in the polls and offered the press new freedoms. According to Barajas, behind the campaign to discredit Madero were powerful moguls from the old regime who were implicated in the subsequent coup d’etat and assassination known as La Decena Trágica. The author examines the social and political role of today’s media corporations and the looming threat of “soft” or silent coups.
Guest: Rafael Barajas Durán, “El Fisgón,” autor de “El Linchamiento Gráfico de Francisco I. Madero,” Winner of Mexico’s National Journalism Award, Mexico City.
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