Mexico Edition.


This week Félix Serdán Nájera, agrarian leader, died. He joined the Zapatista resistance after the Mexican revolution, beside legendary social leader Rubén Jaramillo. Don Félix, who would later be named Honorary Major of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation, died at the age of 98 in Tehuixtla, Morelos. On this edition, journalist Ricardo Montejano speaks about the Jaramillista peasant rebellion that gave life to the teachers’ and railworkers’ movements of the 1950’s. Martha Elena Ramírez hosts Voz Publica from Mexico City.

Guests: Ricardo Montejano, author of the book Félix Serdán Nájera, memorias de un guerrillero jaramillista, Editorial Desinformémonos. Producer and host of Del Campo y la Ciudad, Radio Educación. Pretaped audio: Hermann Bellinghausen, reporter for La jornada, Editor of magazine Ojarasca.

Photo: Sapdiel Gómez Gutiérrez/Flickr

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