Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324In order for campesinos, or small farmers, to ge the agricultural credits offered by the Mexican government, they must first register to pay taxes and prove they have no debt, report protesters from the Indigenous and Campesino Front of Mexico. The protesters say the credits offered by President Peña Nieto will be managed by private financiers with interest rates that are higher than promised. In this edition, activist Pietro Ameglio mentions that the null vote, proposed by citizen groups for the next elections, will only have a symbolic effect and would be a “damaging illusion.” Martha Elena Ramírez hosts this edition from Mexico City.

Guests: Pietro Ameglio, academic and activist for peace and justice, Cuernavaca, Morelos; (pretaped interview) Alberto Galindo García, member of the Executive Commission of the National Plan de Ayala Coordinator, National Movement and Indigenous and Campesino Front of Mexico, Puebla, Puebla.

Photo: Somos El Medio/Flickr

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